Friday, June 5, 2020

So Much Shame on the Trump Administration

If I were one of the president's handlers (employees earning salaries on behalf of the citizens of this nation) this week, I would be completely devastated by his insane and blatant criminal assault on peaceful protesters acting within the law including curfew and exercising their FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH AND PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY! 

Further, I would be totally humiliated by his arrogance and utter tone deafness as he walked through the crowd he assaulted to hold up "A Bible" in front of a church that did not welcome his photo op. Reminded that only moments before, in a live press conference he said he was "pro protesters." 

There is so much shame on this administration, on everyone doing his bidding.


1 comment:

  1. Great cartoon, great comments. I hope you will continue to post your insightful thoughts!
