Friday, August 28, 2020

We can't trust them, yet we vote for them

Auchter's Art: It's all just fearmongering

Michigan Radio, 8-28-20

Fear is the best sales tactic there is. Every marketeer knows it, every reality show star knows, and every politician knows it. And they are afraid --- of their opposition. So afraid that they don't trust us to listen to the messages we want most: what are they going to do to serve their constituents' needs and protect this democracy. What are they going to do to return to a bi-partisan collaboration for the good of the country rather than blatant McConnell declarations to protect the Republicans and screw the Democrats while we watch. We're in a reality show between two competitors and they've forgotten the audience is their electorate.

They are so afraid that we won't listen to their messages of what they will do that they have both surrendered to over-the-top made-for-television dram-edy scripts about how heinous their competition is. And that's the information they want us to take to the polls on election day. Fear made for TV, where everything resolves itself with the hour.

Lying, misleading, or omitting information are all unethical forms of communication. They intend to harm listeners and impact their actions in a biased fashion --- usually the pocketbook. That's at stake here but so is our health, our equal protection under the law, and our democracy.

So again, we are left probably voting for the lesser of two evils rather than two candidates of integrity with solid plans to advance the goals of this nation. Or maybe not voting at all.

We can't trust the information any of the candidates are putting in their attack ads. Please do your own homework, fact check and use unbiased sites such as

Vote like your rights and freedoms depend on it. FactCheck. org.

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