Tuesday, June 2, 2020

So Ullrich, What Can I Do?

Forbes Magazine, Lisette Voytko
1. Write, text, email, snail mail, post a banner on the lawn of the police department, whatever it peacefully takes to remind your city police , county sheriff's , or state police departments to remind them that their charge at founding was to Protect and Serve.
Citizens and police are not enemy combatants. The police are suppose to be who we turn to and trust in times of law related need.

Encourage the police to abandon the attitude that everyone they stop is guilty until proven innocent.
Remind them that they are not the Judge, Jury, and Executioner of punishment --- including executions.
Be the Watch Dog and let them know you are watching for real change of attitude and actions.
Demand that they call out other legal systems that they work with to abandoned these attitudes and acts of racism and hate as well. This is systemic change.
If the legal system changes it will force change in other systems to do so as well.
Here's a very easy way to start to make a difference. Let's overwhelm our police departments with our voices of concern.
2. If you are ready to give making a difference a try so we can truly achieve Justice, Equity, Peace find the groups in your community that are working for equal rights, violence reduction, the end of systemic racism. 
All of these grassroots groups are starving for volunteers to help them achieve change. And if you can't lend a hand, make a donation. A Google search will help you find your local groups. Your United Way office will have such groups on their radar as well as other non-profit resource centers.
Those of you who are in the Flint area, consider joining two long-working groups for ending racism and violence in our community. If you're nervous about taking your first steps, these two organizations are perfect for you. All programs begin from a place of peace and service.
WOW Outreach has worked for 20 years to reduce violence through a wide variety of community programs and events that start with our young people. Join us. We need your help as volunteers. Check out WOWOutreach.org
Neighborhoods Without Borders has been around 10 years and works to end systemic racism by sponsoring programs to help break down the walls of fear between races and cultures within our community. Monthly programs look at the history of Flint and the contributions of the many ethnic groups that built this community. Other programs help us cross those borders through learning about what we don't know or understand so that we can eliminate those walls of fear. Check out our Facebook Page: Neighborhoods Without Borders - Flint.
Small steps make a big difference.

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