Monday, February 29, 2016

Civility has left the building...

... and with it the Republican Party's attempt to offer the nation a qualified candidate prepared to act on behalf of the electorate and represent the U.S. internationally --- you know the countries that haven't yet banned The Donald from their shores.
I'm stunned by the lack of decorum at Thursday's Republican Debate. Particularly by The Donald's disrespect toward his fellow candidates ---- the name calling, the interruptions, the sheer inability to actually address the issues...or the serious questions asked of him.

I'm equally stunned by the media, CNN here, sponsoring the debate and thus surrendering the independent debate process and decorum to his ill-mannered behavior. This seemingly solely for the sake of ratings and advertising profits rather than for the benefit of informing the voting public. What has happened to third party objective hosts such as the League of Women Voters, that actively protected the integrity of the process for all of us?

I'm old enough to remember civilized debates where the issues and the responses of the candidates took center stage. And, where the candidates were respectful toward each other --- waiting their turns, you know, like grown ups. There was no chance then of the debates being mistaken for the voyeuristic reality shows of today.

During a 1988 vice presidential debate in Omaha, Senator Lloyd Bentsen respectfully took exception to his GOP opponent's comparison of himself to John F. Kennedy. Sen. Dan Quayle had just defended his inexperience as similar to that of Kennedy. Bentsen's response was strong but civil: "Senator," he said, "I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you are no Jack Kennedy." (U.S. News & World Report, Jan. 7, 2008)

Republican candidate John McCain, in 2008, did not seize the opportunity to mock his opposition at one of his own rallies. When a McCain supporter told the crowd in Minnesota that "Obama is an Arab," McCain took away the microphone and with respect to both the supporter and candidate Barack Obama, he responded, "No ma'am, "[Obama's] a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues." Huffington Post, Nov. 10, 2008

I give Marco Rubio credit at the debate for stepping up where his opponents would not to challenge Trump to focus on the issues, only to end up the target for The Donald's rudeness the rest of the evening and throughout the weekend. Sadly, Rubio has since stooped to Trump's level, mocking The Donald at his own political rallies.

What happened Thursday night and is continuing to happen on the Republican side of this election is everyone's fault.
  • A Republican Party that has for some reason allowed The Donald to set its political agenda upon a foundation of ignorance, hate and fear. 
  • His opposition for stooping to his level.
  • The media for becoming the primary sponsors of debates (being the news rather than covering the news) rather than protecting the democratic process by allowing third party objective sponsors to manage these events.
  • A national media that is ignoring the serious candidates and the real issues for the entertainment value of Trump's universally cavalier attitude and contempt. 
  • A public that claims to back him because he isn't part of the "political establishment" and for his entertainment value. What they really mean but won't admit is that they love his hate and fear mongering. The things they don't have the guts to say out loud. 
  • And finally, that lazy silent majority, again, that presumes someone else will clean up this mess for them before it threatens their personal lives. Until then, what does it really matter?

Trump has said he loves "the undereducated" because he's been so successful at preying on them. Here he is doing it again, the very people who are backing him are the ones he's screwed in the past and will screw along with the rest of us if he is elected.

As one friend commented recently, if Trump is the nominee, he alone may sweep Hillary into the White House.

It is on us to stay informed, to challenge candidates and platforms at necessary and to vote.