Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Open Letter to Senator John McCai

Dear Senator McCain,

I think of you as a man with great integrity, honesty, and with the interest of We the People at the forefront of your actions. I am asking you to seek the support of your congressional colleagues to prevent this administration from setting a dangerous precedent of confirming the many presidential nominees who have yet to meet the requirements to be considered for an appointment.

I am immediately concerned with reports that many of the nominees have not completed their ethics reports or have not properly divested themselves of holdings that may raise conflicts of interest issues as they are required to do under the law.

Please reach across the aisle to seek bipartisan oversight of this situation to ensure that nominees are properly vetted and have met all the requirements before confirmation.

Please do not allow this administration to open the door for these and future appointees to profit personally or to act in the best interests of those to whom they are beholding at the expense of We the People.

My respect for you dates back to your 2000 run for the presidency when many of us learned for the first time about your military service and sacrifice on behalf of We the People. It continued to grow as you worked with Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) to successfully sponsor the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act  of 2002. And while I am a tad more liberal on some issues than you, my mind and my heart nearly exploded when you gently assured a woman who expressed her fear of candidate Barack Obama that he “is a good man.”

I believe you are a very good man so I am reaching across political labels to you. I believe there is no time like the present to ask all of our representatives to act on behalf of all of the citizens, and all of the documented and undocumented immigrants (“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” --- Statue of Liberty). Now is the time to act to ensure that everyone in this nation is protected as our Constitution and laws have promised them they would be.

Please help us protect the integrity of the process to ensure that these nominees are confirmed with the best interests of We the People at the forefront of their minds and agendas.

Donna L. Ullrich
Just one of the brilliant rainbow of We the People from across this nation.

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