Sunday, February 5, 2017

Someone called me a sheep

Someone called me a sheep the other day.
Million Women's March, Wash., DC, Jan. 21, 2017

I know who that someone is: A very kind, good guy and childhood classmate. He offered his respect for my intentions yet called me a sheep nonetheless.

I in turn respectfully disagreed. We can do that. Agree to disagree. Bring our differing opinions to the Marketplace of Ideas in this country (although we might want to hurry up ;-), listen to others and refine our own. It’s called protected free speech. (Even the president does it --- just without the respect thing. He doesn’t seem to get the respect thing) --- But of course as I tell my students, you must practice it to perfect it and yes, that means you do have to try it first…but I digress…

According to my friend, I was a just another pink sheep among 5 million worldwide who marched in response to Trump's misogyny. Many, like my friend, confused the day thinking that since women in the U.S. are no longer the property of their husbands, can own property, “earned” the “right” to vote, can pursue an education, are “allowed” to work for 20% less pay than men, and are no longer shunned for being independent…including of a man to stand five paces behind, there isn’t anything else to protest. Just wasted energy from a bunch of second class citizens.

Our president has discounted and degraded women as well as many other people and populations. Saturday wasn't just about women though. Yes, many did march in response to his disreputable (if not criminal) actions and threats against women. However, they also marched in response to his attacks on so many people by gender, race, religion, orientation, ethnicity, and immigrant status. Why? Because Trump’s targets are their family members. What the critics didn’t pay attention to was that these targets and their families and friends were there January 21 worldwide --- men, women, transgender and children.

What the critics didn’t see was the breadth of the other organized protests out there: Social Security, the environment, the Affordable Care Act, education, racism, homophobia, Xenophobia, First Amendment protections, the integrity of the 2016 presidential election, clean water, the Dakota Access Pipeline, housing, and so many more concerns close to those standing tall, peacefully, civilly as is their right. Yes, Trump’s an issue, but what the critics missed were the real issues of We the People that are getting lost in Trump’s demand for attention and power. Issues that even impact them.
All of our futures
Sure, many wanted to send a clear message to Trump that women will not stand by and take his verbal or other groping. Nor will they or their family and friends allow him to threaten loved ones or others known or unknown to them whom the U.S. has promised to protect as foreign nationals to our country --- even illegally.  Five million people (across countries, genders and in groups of family and friends --- In my case from a 61-year-old grandmother to a 2-year-old granddaughter and loved ones in between) who clearly stood up to Trump and his hate gang.
No sheep here

These are the people who declared by their action that they won't sit on the sidelines and let others solve their problems for them.

This was a demonstration of power that Trump is going to have to reckon with worldwide.

This is what democracy really looks like in the U.S.

This is our First Amendment in action.

These were not the sheep.

The sheep stayed home and watched FOX. 

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