Friday, November 18, 2016

Don't let country end up like my closet

My sad closet
It's a Sad Story

I've been working really hard recently to get my closets in shape. I worked the shoe and accessories closet pretty hard. Sadly, as you can see, it revolted and vomited all over my bedroom floor, which was pretty revolting itself. My cats have been climbing all over the mess (you know how excited cats can be around bodily secretions). I do not want them tracking shoe puke all over my house. Yuck!

Full Disclosure

It's not really shoe puke. It was actually a fashion emergency. I know, pretty shallow. I had to dig through piles of shoes and accessories, yet to be sorted, to get to a bottom rack in search of my lime green Merrill sneakers to go with my lime and khaki green outfit, with black accessories. Sweet. I know you'd agree.


These are the kinds of things I see, think and write about to distract me from the reality of white supremacists in the West Wing.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has two petitions on its website that I hope you will consider. 

One calling for the president-elect to honor his pledge to serve "ALL AMERICANS." 

Another to send the president-elect the message that Stephen Bannon has no place in the White House as his senior counsel. Bannon is the former editor of Breitbart News, which he, as editor, has called "a cesspool for white supremacist[s]). 

Make sure Bannon isn't the only one who is exercising his right to free speech. Make your voice heard. Sign these petitions now.

Southern Poverty Law Center

Let's make sure our country doesn't look like my closet in four years.

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