Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Memory loss is on our minds...or maybe not

Memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer’s are on the minds of a lot of middle-agers these days…or maybe not. ;-)

If individuals aren’t aware of their own weakening memory, they have someone in their lives who is noticeably struggling with it.

It’s been 12 years since my mother began her own transition away from this universe and us.

We don’t really know if these diseases are laced genetically through our family since both sets of grandparents and many aunts and uncles died too young. Yet, one aunt on my father’s side did declined into dementia before dying so it has appeared on both sides of our family.

When my mother started to show signs of dementia, my younger brother and I went to a workshop about caring for those with memory loss. Some 20 people had gathered around a large library table when the nurse conducting the workshop settled in and announced, “You don’t have it.”  Paraphrasing her: We spend too much time trying to multi-task when we can still really one do one thing well at a time. Something has to get lost somewhere along the way when we try to do too much at once.

The collective sigh of relief at that table must have disturbed other programming for a moment that evening.

Later during a break, my then 40-something brother admitted that he’d lost the Windex ™ one day. He’d taken a break to get a cold drink and then couldn’t find the bottle so he could get back to work. It drove him crazy. He was sure dementia was already setting in. He found it later, right where he’d left it…in the refrigerator. TIP: It does clean better when chilled (Just kidding but feel free to use this excuse if the opportunity arises).

I had stepped away from teaching for a period of time because I lost my train of thought in front of classes and was sure I shouldn’t be teaching if I couldn’t remember the subject matter --- curse you Menopause!

It’s said that it’s OK if you can’t find your keys but you’re in trouble if you find then and don’t know what they are for.

So far so good on the keys thing but what are those furry, purring balls that keep running around my house? Do they belong here or should I call an exterminator? What’s an exterminator again?

I know my brother and I aren't alone. Share your stories in the comments section below.

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