Monday, January 4, 2016

The notorious no-show friend

"We must work on getting together this year," demanded a friend during an once-a-year phone call on the eve of 2016.

By that, I thought, you mean I must do all of the work. I said aloud that I was skeptical about it ever happening.

"Oh but I really want to see you. We must make this happen. We'll make it a project for 2000-and-16," my friend replied.

This is a notorious no-show friend. One can invest in airline tickets, show up at vacation spots, get stuck in a blizzard on the way to a meeting only to get a extremely last minute bailing call.

To compound the irritation, the explanation is always urgent and involves me in some way.
"You'll never believe this but since you're a lawyer, I know you'll understand...," 
"Just my luck, but since you're a writer, you'll understand how this can happen," 
"I can't believe it either but since you breath air...."

I have a plan though. Once my friend sends me proof of arrival at said destination, I will dig out my suitcase, consider what I might want to pack, run a few last minute errands, ask for additional proof of arrival and then gas up the car...maybe. ;-)

An author  interviewed on NPR (I don't remember who and I can't find a reference) had catapulted a recurring protagonist of his novels into the character's 60s. It was a time, the character decided to "decommission" friends who no longer "brought anything to his table" and for whom the character could offer nothing in return.

Decommission, downsize, de-friend, unlink, block, ignore... Sometimes it's just time to say "enough" and let go.

I know I'm not alone in this experience. Share your stories in the comments section below.


  1. Well, that is one way to do it.

  2. It is extremely rare for me to say goodbye to any one. I've even been accused of "collecting people" from someone who doesn't have a clue at what being or having a friend is. Ha! That being said...IF I write someone out of my world, you can be assured that person pushed until I could feel no more (and that is saying something.). But...I plan to keep "collecting" and hopefully being collected!

    Be the kind of person that can touch others hearts.

    For those who continue to put their feelings and others ahead of you...well, quite bluntly...they don't deserve you! We have all been taught right from wrong at some time in our lives, how do you give respect if you don't get respect? Time for us all to understand our worth. I only want to be with people who want to be with me and value me anyway, so say goodbye to those who don't appreciate your worth.

    Happy 2016!!!
