Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Vote - Why?

Please Vote. 

Each vote from your community is important to how elected representatives and city/county officials gauge needs and services; attention and representation. It puts you and yours on the "oh, yes we do matter," map.

Whatever your opinions, beliefs, or positions are, Vote. 

2020 taught us that we are a divided nation. That is a powerful lesson that our elected must learn and act responsibly to represent. If not, we do need to remove them. 

Every vote from every perspective has to matter to those who work on our behalf and with our tax dollars. 

We have to work together to bring them back to bi-partisan collaboration. We have to impress on them that they were elected to work for this democratic nation's citizens; not for their own deepening pockets, biases, and selfish gamesmanship among political parties. 

Make truth and democracy matter.

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