Saturday, April 2, 2016

April Fools: I fooled myself

I am my own April Fool.

After an absolutely frenetic Thursday from early morning to way past my dinnertime on the road, I arrived home thinking it was Friday and my weekend was ahead.

I couldn’t understand why none of my Thursday night TV favorites were in On Demand. I even wished a friend a “good weekend.”

Friday morning, I jumped out of bed (well, not really since I’m experiencing lower back muscle spasms), ah, got up slowly and early to run (OK, drive) to the credit union to be sure I got there before it closed as it does on Saturday, at noon. I went on to run my other regular Saturday errands.

Upon returning home, I settled in to do some homework before getting ready for my cousin’s wine tasting party that Saturday evening.

What I couldn’t figure out from the moment I had started my car to run the errands until about an hour into my homework was: Why is Michigan Radio running its weekday programming on a Saturday? I knew April 1 was April Fools Day and wondered if this was their joke to the listening audience but… So, as Diane Rehm started her second hour, I finally went out to the website to see what was up. To be fair, Michigan Radio has just recently altered it programming line-up but…for some reason, Michigan Radio had the date as FRIDAY, April 1.

I suddenly found myself with another day to add to my weekend. If I hadn’t been sitting down, I would have had to. I’ve been so crunched work-wise lately that I couldn’t process having an extra day to get all of the tasks done.

I simply couldn’t process this shocking excess. So I promptly took a nap. (That’s a Saturday thing too.)

I actually played an April Fools Day joke on myself and got away with it.

I know what you are thinking but you are wrong.

Clearly this is a mistake due to exhaustion, not, harrumph, age.

May your jokes be as successful! ;-)

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